Online Service Overview


Online Service is used in the following cases;

  • When ISM sends the message which is received from the source application to the target application in real time(one-way transmission).
  • When ISM sends the message which is received from the source application to the target application, and the returns the result of the target application to the source application in real time(two-way transmission).

There are three types of messages in online interface service. One is flat message which has a fixed length of header and a fixed or variable length of body. The others are XML and ISO 8583.

The message of online service should be included the information below. This information should have been assigned to a specific location within sent message from the source system, or be able to be extracted by the parser. The essential information comprises of the information contains the communication rule and the information required for ISM to run the integration service.

Essential Information of the Online Service Message

Types Properties Description Note
Connection Rule Data Length Data full length The data size transferred from socket as a rule in communication.
Synchronous/Asynchronous Whether to receive the return from the data sent or not Whether to process it in synchronous way as a communication rule or not.
Service Rule Integration Service ID Delimiter to find the processing rule on ISM
Request/Reply Separate whether request data or response data. In the case of request data, process it through the rule of the request. In the case of response data, process it though the rule of the response.
Service Key Transaction key separating each transaction There's limitation using ISM provided functions.

Runtime Structure

The Runtime Structure between JBoss and BusinessWare is different from each other. BusinessWare has a separated process for each system. JBoss or WAS has a single process.


Online service is comprised of the source system interface process and the target system interface process. The source Interface process receives the request from the source system, and the target interface process sends the request to the target system.

The system status management process(ISM_H) manages the status information of Receiver. The target interface process communicates with ISM_H to verify changed status information of the target system on running the service.

Online service is able to be configured to master-backup mode or active-active mode. Online service within ISM is configured to active-active mode.

  • Master-Backup Configuration
    • If the source system sends the request exclusively to master server #1, master server #2 conducts the service in master-backup configuration for the interface with the pertinent system.
  • Active-Active Configuration
    • If the source system sends the request to both of master server #1 and #2, the interface with the pertinent system will conduct the service using active-active configuration.
    • If an error occurs on the target interface process, the source interface process route the request of the target process on backup server and execute the service.
Source Interface Process

Source interface process receives the request from the source system, and the target interface process// 타겟 프로세스에 대한 요청 returns the response. The source interface process comprises of two components: the source connector interface model which performs the physical interface, and the source interface model which controls the whole flow using the data received from the source connector.

Source Connector Component

The source connector interface model extracts the message in the form available on ISM online service form the data type of source application, and convert/return the ISM process result message in the form of data type available in application to the source system.

Source Interface Component

Source interface model extracts the service information from input message and execute the service following the service procedure rule. In return, send back the respond to the source connector.

Target Interface Process

Target Interface Process comprises of the target system model 타겟 코넥터 and the target connector interface model, and the target interface model which have the role of sending request message to the target connector, managing the target system status, processing error responses.

Target Interface Model

Target Interface Model verifies the status information and sends the request to the normal status target system. It also determines whether to follow the error processing procedure or normal response procedure. If the result of the target system is out of service, execute the failover procedure. (

Target Connector Interface Component

Send the request which is given from the target interface model to the target system. In common with the source connector, it converts and transfers the ISM message to available format, and returns the processing result of the target application as an ISM message.

Common Process

Just like the common process of the batch service, common system can be registered. Like batch service, if the alternative system is defined by the pertinent system in the online service, the source interface model finds the alternative system process and send the service execution request.

System Status Management Process

System Status Management Process manage the information whether the status of the target system is normal or not. When the target system is made of multiple servers in the online service, send the request to another server when there's a failure on a server. If the server is restored, the failure detection & restoration functions are used, and the system status information is sent to the whole process minimizing the prospective service errors caused by the online failure.

Log Process

Since the online service log is saved by each stage, four process results and messages are generated for each stage – message reception, message transfer, response reception, response transfer. Despite of it's small size, it processes lots of messages. Because of this, additional log process saves the process results and the messages.


The logical structure of ISM on JBoss is the same as the one on BusinessWare the physically separated processes are running in a single process on JBoss. In other words, all the processes such as a source interface process, target interface process, status check process, and log process are executed in a single JBoss process.

Supported Interface Types

The interface types supported by online service are as follow. The supported by default interfaces are Socket, Web(HTTP), Web service, and else. The other interfaces are supported by connectors corresponding to each application type.

  • Source System
    • Socket
    • Web(HTTP)
    • Web Service
    • Application which can interface by other connector/adapter
  • Target System
    • Socket
    • Web(HTTP)
    • Web Service
    • Database
      • Supports CRUD calculation in the condition of the target system is DB.
    • Application which can interface by other connector/adapter