Batch Task


Task is the job to be processed before the batch process(Pre task) or after the batch process(Post task). Multiple tasks can be registered, and they are processed in the registered sequential order. Each stage of job should be successfully completed to move on to the next task.

Transaction Management

The batch process and transactions are separated on task, and the process on task cannot be rollbacked. If the task fails, the batch process fails. Even if the post process task fails resulting in the whole batch process fails, the process results of the batch process cannot be rollbacked.

Data Conversion

The data has to processed on the task – e.g. SQL sentence of the table operation – can be converted to the parameters generated from once the job is requested or the result of the operation. The section surrounded by # correspond to the parameter, and it is replaced to the value of the relevant job parameter in previous process/post process. The parameter is case-sensative.

ISM Basic Parameter

ISM provided basic parameter is as follows.

Name of Parameter Description
RULE_ID Interface ID
PROC_DT Processed date, system date
TGT_FILE_NAME Name of the target file
SRC_FILE_NAME Name of the source file
PROC_START_TIME Process start time
PREV_PROC_START_TIME Previous process start time
PREV_PROC_END_TIME Previous process end time
PROC_END_TIME Process end time

Task Types

Table Task

Process the calculation to the table. Register query to execute for the table, and execute it following literal sql. Even the result is 0, it is considered to success. . 1 Process the stored procedure even though it is defined to table task.

Telnet Task

Target system performs the defined script or command and return the results. The processed results use the exit code of the command execution and consider it error if the exit code isn't 0.

Service Task

Call the service of the target system. Generate the electronic message in online and send it to designated target system on task defitnition. The online rule has to be registered to send the electronic message. Service task use message handler to generate online electronic message. If it doesn't, send designated data to target system without any change on task definition.

File Task

Generate file from defined data to send it to target system.

Stored Procedure Task

Executes Stored Procedure query defined on data on target DB. Stored procedure task exclusively supports IN parameter. Stored Procedure doesn't have any return value. It is considered to normal if any there's no exception occurs.

Custom Task

Custom task is used if the operation in the user's favour cannot be executed by an ISM provided task. Custom task must inherit com.ism.batch.task.MessageHandler. The class which inherited the MessageHandler should implement the following methods.